Meeting Playbook

To collaborate effectively in a hybrid working environment and across time zones, we must reevaluate our meeting culture. While some meetings are necessary, others can be replaced by using collaboration tools such as Asana, Jira, Salesforce, Zendesk, and the Google Suite. Our Meeting Playbook is designed to help our global team manage their schedules and deliver their best work as efficiently as possible.

Meeting Best Practices

The first step in transforming our meeting culture is “car-washing” our existing recurring meetings. We ask everyone to go through their calendars to decide within their teams:

This should be a regular practice, taking place at least once a quarter.

N.B. Since the calendars are public to anyone in Groupon, please consider marking any sensitive and/or confidential events as private.

Meeting Best Practices

Meeting "Don'ts"

Vacation and Out-of-Office Guidelines

The guidelines cover email auto-reply, calendar events, and Asana out-of-office settings, and it emphasizes the importance of listing deputies to facilitate smooth workflow continuation. 

Email Auto Reply

Calendar Event with Out-of-Office

Asana Out-of-Office Setting